MLPro-Int-SB3 - Integration of Stable-Baselines3 into MLPro

Welcome to MLPro-Int-SB3, an extension to MLPro to integrate the Stable-Baselines3 package. MLPro is a middleware framework for standardized machine learning in Python. It is developed by the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences, Germany, and provides standards, templates, and processes for hybrid machine learning applications. Stable-Baselines3, in turn, provides a diverse suite of reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms in PyTorch.

MLPro-Int-SB3 offers wrapper classes that allow the reuse of environments from Stable-Baselines3 in MLPro, or the other way around.


Before running the examples, please install the latest versions of MLPro, Stable-Baselines3, and MLPro-Int-SB3 as follows:

pip install mlpro-int-sb3[full] --upgrade
See also